It was great
It reminded me of Metal Gear Solid which I'm a fanatic of. Though I didn't like the music much...
Had a hard time on level 19 but I beat it and finished the whole game, but I kinda feel bad for those who don't know their way past Level 19 so...
Level 19 Walkthrough
Alright, up till you reach the Flame Barrel against the wall, take like 2 steps towards the guards. You can intervene through their vision a little. Then go to the right once. Go down, if the guard sees you go left. Then when you reach the flame barrels, go to the guard on the left side, right next to him (WITHOUT HIM SPOTTING YOU!) and go down. From there keep going down till you see a barrel, push the barrel into the empty spot between all the barrels, now after you've done that, go back to the spot between those two guards earlier. Now go close to the very right guard and push down the barrel a few steps and then go to the barrel on the right of you and push. Keep pushing that barrel till you reach that little crate thingie. Now go around the crate thingie, without going close to the guard on the bottom who unfourtanetly CAN move. Now push the barrel up with the other barrels and grab the C4 in the locker. Now go up to the spot next to the locker that looks empty and try placin the barrel in the place that (Keep some barrels close to where you entered this area) makes good for both of em being attached. Now when that happens, go to the spot where you entered that area right where the barrel on both sides intervene and place the C4. Now step back and watch the fireworks...